2007 saw the release of ‘Surf’s Up’ with Chicken Joe: A Sheboygan, Wisconsin native, Chicken Joe learned to surf on the Great Lakes. The crazy surf-loving chicken befriends Cody Maverick on the way to Pen Gu Island and the 10th Annual Big Z Memorial Surf-Off.

Mark and Geoff plan their attack on Lake Ontario

Canada is brutally cold in the winter. This weekend Toronto had one massive winter storm. 30cm (about a foot) of snow accumulation, gusting winds creating wind chills of -20°C (sub 0°F) and complete road carnage were enough to keep most of us in the city holed up in our homes this weekend. The closest I came to "surfing" was when, in my pajamas, I sank into the couch with a mug of fresh coffee and remote control in hand, and flipped through the channels looking for something to watch on TV.

Hardcore Toronto surfers Mark Karvonen, Walter Tuokkola, and Geoff Johnson, on the other hand, got suited in their neoprene wetsuits, waxed their boards, and headed down to Ashbridge's Bay to ride the wicked waves of Lake Ontario.

Nuts, I say. NUTS! These guys surfed up a storm during one of the most severe winter storms we've seen in years - and they loved every moment of it.

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